Saturday, March 17, 2012

now that the management has changed and no one is encouraging censorship for deceptive or paranoid reasons (we profoundly hope), there is no need for draconian tactics in the forums any longer, if there ever was. what IS needed is a new set of guidelines - clear, logical ones - for members posting there, AND FOR WHOEVER IS MODERATING, stickied for all to see. flagging, as far as i am concerned, does not belong there AT ALL - it serves no real purpose and allows anyone with a vendetta to harass and even delete someone's else's post. also needed is a Board of Appeal for anyone who feels their post or thread has been unfairly deleted, or that they have been unjustly targeted for suspension. in truth, no single person should have the power to do more than "freeze" a post or thread, or post a warning on a profile - any stronger action rightfully belongs to a committee willing to hear all sides.

NO ONE should be a bully, on the Forums or on a message board. no one deserves to BE bullied, by ANYONE. ambassadors should be dealing with bullies, not acting like them. they are given that post as a privilege as well as a responsibility, and must live up to the standards they would have the members uphold. the climate of justified paranoia that caused this to be set up as a separate blog accessible only through a gatekeeper, rather than an open forum for expression, MUST END.

a bright new day is dawning for FooPets, site and members is time to chase away the old darkness once and for all.
...well, we thought and hoped it was...judging by the hysterics of the past couple of days, perhaps not.

(NOTE : as the loyal opposition is clearly terrified as to what we wish to do, after leaving this up long enough for any who cared to look at it - with Comments disabled and hidden for obvious reasons - i have posted a screenshot in its place and have reopened Comments for interested parties. one post apiece ONLY, please, as it is a petition and not a conversation. thank you all for your patience during the recent nonsense - i wonder if those who came to dance in the Foop Comment thread truly realise how foolish they looked.)